The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, also known as the ASME Turbo Expo, is considered the world's leading conference on all aspects of gas turbine technologies. Every year, the ASME Technical Committee for Coal, Biomass & Alternative Fuels chooses an outstanding technical paper for their Best Paper Award.
Astrid Ramirez, an ESTiMatE partner and researcher from the University of Stuttgart, presented a paper which she co-authored with Trupti Kathrotia, Torsten Methling, Marina Braun-Unkhoff, and Uwe Riedel. This paper, titled “Reaction Model Development of Selected Aromatics as Relevant Molecules of a Kerosene Surrogate – The Importance of m-Xylene Within the Combustion of 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene”, won the Best Paper Award at the 2021 ASME Turbo Expo in the Coal, Biomass & Alternative Fuels section. However, as is customary in all ASME Turbo Expo conferences, the actual award ceremony took place the following year, at the 2022 ASME Turbo Expo.

“I am very happy to have received this award,” said Ramirez. “This proves that the work we are doing in the development of kinetic mechanism within the context of the ESTiMatE project is quite important and is recognised by the turbomachinery community.”