ESTiMatE researchers are preparing several presentations at the 10th European Combustion Meeting, which takes place virtually on 13-16 April 2021.
Astrid Ramirez (USUTT) presents "Reaction model development and optimization for 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene – an important aromatic for kerosene surrogates".
Eduardo Javier Perez Sanchez (BSC) presents "Development of the Conditional Moment Closure with a multi-code approach in the frame of Large Eddy Simulations".
Federica Ferraro (TUD) presents "Large eddy simulation of the Delft Adelaide Flame III using a quadrature-based method of moments".
Abhijit Kalbhor (TU/e) presents "Effects of preferential diffusion on soot modeling with the sectional method and FGM tabulated chemistry".